Gregory P. Ware


Mr. Ware is currently President and Founder of Providence Enterprise Group, LLC. He is a private investor and advisor to a number of companies.  In addition, he is currently an advisor to Tides Family Services, which provides services to “at risk youth”.  His work at Tides is primarily focused on fundraising activities. Previously, Mr. Ware was Vice President  Application Performance Management Products at Compuware Corporation a $1.3 billion enterprise software and IT services company providing software and services to 90% of the Fortune 100. At Compuware, Mr. Ware was responsible for the integration of the domestic and international operations of Programart Corporation into Compuware’s corporate structure.  This work set the stage for substantial growth enabling Compuware to reach $100 million in APM product revenue.

Before Compuware acquired Programart Corporation, Mr. Ware held the positions of Vice President Worldwide Field Operations and Vice President Sales and Marketing at Programart Corporation.  During his tenure at Programart, he significantly expanded International and Domestic operations driving revenue from $6 million to $60 million.

Prior to that, Mr. Ware held the position of President at Bridge Technology where he established this start-up as a prominent early stage player providing high-speed data transfer utilities to Fortune 500 companies.  This early and dramatic success led to the acquisition of the company by Peregrine Software.

As Senior Vice President and Founder of MGT Technology Group, Mr. Ware built a successful training and consulting company specializing in large systems capacity planning and network performance.  In addition, MGT provided specialized services addressing DB2 performance and DB2 security for companies such as Banyan Systems, SAIC, Merrill Lynch, CIGNA and the FBI.

As Vice President of Sales at BGS Systems, Mr. Ware was responsible for substantial growth in the sales operation helping position the company for a successful IPO.  Mr. Ware continued to lead the sales operation for three years after the IPO enabling continued growth in revenue before leaving to start his own venture.

 Mr. Ware holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Management and a Masters Degree in Business from Providence College.